Cork 103 FM Health Slot December 20th

Anneliese talks natural health matters with Patricia Messenger on Cork 103 December 20th

All products can be ordered over the phone and posted out.

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  1. High Blood Pressure: Terranova Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), Magnesium and Hawthorn complex, Cardio P – a form of potassium. Omega 3 fish oils with at least 500mg of EPA, keep the blood thin and nourish the heart vasculature, great natural anti-inflammatories.
  2. Post Viral Fatigue and Chest Congestion: Try N-Acetyl Cysteine for chestiness and as a powerful natural anti-inflammatory. For fatigue, our post COVID customers are fining Revive Active a help, and as always, Source of Life Gold tonic. A staff favourite – Olive Leaf Extract, as a powerful anti-viral and immune booster.
  3. Skin – Fungal: Apply Citricidal to the skin mixed with a carrier oil or cream. Treat also internally for Candida: Dida, NutriAdvanced CandiSolve, Candex SIBO, Nutrispore. Also try a probiotic containing Saccromyces.
  4. Sore throat: Our favourites are Dr.Clare Throat spray and Irish Botanicals Throat Coat.
  5. Catheter Infection: Take a probiotic such as Cranbiotix and keep area naturally free of bacteria with a mix of tea tree, oregano oils, or grapefruit seed extract.
  6. Menopause: Top seller here is NutriAdvanced Mega Mag Peri Meno. Also excellent are NHP Menoherbal, Bionutri Lignan Plus. Also good is Vogel Menopause Support. Try kelp to support the thyroid for weight gain and temperature control.