Cork 103 FM Health Slot November 21st

Anneliese talks natural health matters with Patricia Messenger on Cork 103FM November 21st. All products can be ordered over the phone and posted out.

Listen again here: 
1. Yellow bumps on tongue: Could be due to oral thrush, infection, transient lingual papillitis or an allergic reaction to sodium lauryl sulphate in toothpastes. Rinse mouth with Dr. Dilis Clare Mouthwash, brush tongue with a natural bristle toothbrush and use a natural neem toothpaste
2. Cholesterol: Red rice yeast products are the natural version of statins. Customers get good results with Red Sterol Complex, Cardio K, RicePur and Terranove Red Rice Yeast Complex. Omega 3 fish oils will raise good cholesterol. Add oat bran and lecithin to breakfast cereal.
3. Fatty Liver: Cut all sugar, fruit, alcohol and processed carbohydrates out of the diet. Herbs like Berberine and Alpha Lipoic Acid can help. Milk thistle for liver cell health
4. Sinus: Try Dr. Dilis Clare Congestion blend or else Mucutone. A good nasal spray like XLEar or Otosan. Steam inhalation with oregano oil.
5. Pains in joints: Natural anti-inflammatories like curcumin, boswellia and devil’s claw can help with the pain. Chicken or UCII cartilage can help maintain healthy cartilage in joints and slow down or prevent wear and tear. Our customers love GAL UC II Cartilage, Solgar 7, Terranova Bosewllian, Glucosamine and MSM, and Revice Joint.