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Mentioned on the Radio Sept 6th
Anneliese talks natural health matters with Patricia Messenger on Cork 103. All products can be ordered over the phone and posted out.
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- Psorriasis: This is an autoimmune condition so Omega 3 fish oils and Vitamin D are important to balance the immune system and act as natural anti-inflammatories for the skin. Oregon Grape Root taken as a supplement and also used as a balm can help with scaly patches
- Recurrent kidney infections: A combiation of D-Mannose 1000mg, Probiotics and cranberry extract is a wonderful natural alternative for recurrent cystitis and kidney infections. Take 3 times a day for active infection and once a day for maintenance until symptom free for at least 6 months.
- Sinus: Rinse the sinuses with saline solution both morning evening. A steam inhalation with oregano oil can help clear infection. Dr. Dilis Clare Mucotone is a great herbal blend for preventing and treating sinus problems as wel as any other respiratory issues.
- Raised uric acid: This can lead to gout. Sour cherry juice can clear uric acid from the bloodstream and Terranova Tart Cherry and Turmeric is great for active gout. Dr. Clare Musculojoint is brilliant for very painful gouty joints.
- Stomach pain: Slippery elm is excellent for immediate protection and soothing of inflamed lining. Zinc carnozin helps to improve the ability of the pyloric sphincter muscle to close. Centaurium herb can balance stomach acid.
- Joint Pain: We recommend a combinaiton of natural anti-inflammatories and collagen: Try GAL UC II Cartilage, Solgar 7 or NutriAdvanced CurCuDyn Forte